Water Well News

Received an email from a neighbor saying they were moving the well pump that supplies water to or house along with several other neighbors. Evidently the pipe ran through a property whose owner was fine with providing a right of way for the pipe but has now sold his property.

So, to avoid any possible conflict with a new owner the pipe was moved off that property. It will be interesting to learn whose property the pipe now runs through. It was nice that our neighbor is keeping us informed of local issues on the island, especially since this involved a cost of 6870 pesos to each water user, which is about $165 with the current exchange rate of 42 pesos to $1. So we know we will have a good water source when we finally move. It is also a huge help that our neighbor informs us , and covers costs like these, until the next time we visit and settle up with him. It seems like a small thing but yet another example of how we have been met with good people and good experiences since we first visited Sosua in May 2011.

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