Visit to House 2013 Jan 25

House still in as good a condition as when we were last here in 2012. Lawn is great thanks to the neighbor looking after it. And view is still as spectacular as ever. There is now a big concrete cover over the outside shutoff valve, thanks to a neighbor, so we didn't have a water bill all year. We had to pay $76 last year because our neighbor found that someone turned the water on and left it on and there was water all over the house and yard. I thought there may have been leaks too. But once the valve was secured, no problem.

Also found out yesterday, that the electricity transformer servicing our house, got stolen from the telephone pole. So we have to buy a new one and run new wire from pole to house when we move in. Otherwise the house is in good shape. And the good news was that a builder friend said we could re-design the bathrooms to compress two into one larger one, without too much trouble. We thought it would be a monumental job dealing with load-bearing concrete walls etc. But he said it wasn't too bad.


We will have to replace the transformer and run new wiring to the house. Things like that, that are unbelievably expensive at home, are actually reasonable here, or at least not as scary as at home. Once we're on a fixed income, we will certainly be more sensitive to costs, but so far, haven't found anything that couldn't be dealt with reasonably. Just need to watch that we don't get "nickeled and dimed" to death.


Met Estie's buddy from her medical mission trip last year. Nice guy. I think Estie said he was in his late twenties. He, and the other 2-3 guys she met on the trip, are in a constant struggle to find work anywhere, which is unfortunately what most Dominicans do here. People at home would kill each other if they had to fight like they do here to survive. And I know we are the rich Gringoes that they need to suck up to for money and jobs, but the folks we've actually met, and talked with, seem to be truly compassionate folks. Makes us happy and sad at the same time.


It's been perfect weather until this morning. Light showers and overcast. Still warm and comfortable and a nice change to sun all the time. Just kidding, but it is still nice. It's quieter, like when we get snow at home and there's no traffic noise and noise in general.


That's all for now.

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